Sven Raum

Institute of Mathematics
University of Potsdam
Campus Golm, Haus 9
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
D-14476 Potsdam OT Golm



I am Sven Raum, chair of algebra at the University of Potsdam in Germany. My research focuses on operator algebras and their interaction with groups and group-like structures, such as Hecke algebras, groupoids, quantum groups and tensor categories. Important links between operator algebras and these objects are given by unitary representations and the algebras they generate, for example reduced group C*-algebras and group von Neumann algebras.

Currently, the group consists of my postdocs Sanaz Pooya and Jonathan Taylor.

I am member of the MATH+ Faculty.

Besides research mathematics, I enjoy thinking about didactics of higher education. In my free time, I like learning languages, doing sports and cooking.


The workgroup's seminar GOAT (Gruppen- und Operatoralgebren-Treffen) currently takes place Wednesdays 10:15 - 11:45 in room 2.22 of house 9 on campus Golm unless specified differently.

Wednesday Zoom Seminar

During the Corona pandemic, the Wednesday Zoom Seminar combined speakers in algebraic geometry, group theory and operator algebras.

All abstracts can be found in the SMC calender: Link.

HAOART Seminar

Due to the Corona pandemic, our seminar on Harmonic Analysis, Operator Algebras and Representation Theory (pronounced "Howard") is was suspended and eventually discontinued.

All abstracts can be found in the SMC calender: Link.


All my publications can be found on MathSciNet, zbMATH and ArXiv.


Research articles

  1. On the centre of Iwahori-Hecke algebras
    with Timothée Marquis
    J. Algebra 656 (2024), 276-293 and the ArXiv version

  2. Factorial multiparameter Hecke von Neumann algebras and representations of groups acting on right-angled buildings
    with Adam Skalski
    J. Math. Pure Appl. 177 (2023), 265-298 and the ArXiv version

  3. K-theory of right-angled Hecke C*-algebras
    with Adam Skalski
    Adv. Math. 407 (2022) Article No. 108559 and the ArXiv version

  4. Amenability, proximality and higher order syndeticity
    with Matthew Kennedy and Guy Salomon
    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 10 (2022) e22, 1-28 and the ArXiv version

  5. An algebraic characterization of ample type I groupoids
    with Gabriel Favre
    Semigroup Forum 104 (2022), 58-71 and the ArXiv version

  6. Measure equivalence for non-unimodular groups
    with Juhani Koivisto and David Kyed
    Transform. Groups 26 (2021), 327-346 and the ArXiv version

  7. Cartan subalgebras in dimension drop algebras
    with Selçuk Barlak
    J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 20 (2021) No. 3, 725-755. and the ArXiv version

  8. Measure equivalence and coarse equivalence for locally compact amenable groups
    with Juhani Koivisto and David Kyed
    Group, Geom. and Dyn. 15 (2021) No. 1, 223-267 and the ArXiv version

  9. C*-simplicity (after Breuillard, Haagerup, Kalantar, Kennedy and Ozawa)
    Sven Raum
    Séminaire Bourbaki, exposé 1158, Astérisque 422 (2020) and the Preprint version

  10. Locally compact groups acting on trees, the type I conjecture and non-amenable von Neumann algebras
    with Cyril Houdayer
    Comm. Math. Helv. 76 (2019) No. 1, 185-219 and the ArXiv version

  11. C*-simplicity of locally compact Powers groups
    J. Reine Angew. Math. 748 (2019) 173-205 and the ArXiv version
    Erratum to this article

  12. C*-superrigidity of 2-step nilpotent groups
    with Caleb Eckhardt
    Adv. Math. 338 (2018), 175-195 and the ArXiv version

  13. Higher l2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
    Julien Bichon and David Kyed
    Can. Math. Bull. 61 (2018), No. 2, 225-235 and the ArXiv version

  14. Traces on reduced group C*-algebras
    with Matthew Kennedy
    Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 49 (2017) No. 6, 988-990 and the ArXiv version

  15. L2-Betti numbers of rigid C*-tensor categories and discrete quantum groups
    with David Kyed, Stefaan Vaes and Matthias Valvekens
    Analysis & PDE 10 (2017), No. 7, 1757-1791 and the ArXiv version

  16. On the l2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
    with David Kyed
    Math. Ann. 369 (2017), No. 3-4, 957–975 and the ArXiv version

  17. Cocompact amenable closed subgroups: weakly inequivalent representations in the left-regular representation
    Int. Math. Res. Not., (2016), No. 24, 7671-7685 and the ArXiv version

  18. The full classification of orthogonal easy quantum groups
    with Moritz Weber
    Commun. Math. Phy. 341 (2016) No. 3, 751-779 and the ArXiv

  19. Easy quantum groups and quantum subgroups of a semi-direct product quantum group
    with Moritz Weber
    J. Noncommu. Geo. 9 (2015) No. 4, 1261-1293 and the ArXiv version

  20. Asymptotic structure of free Araki-Woods factors
    with Cyril Houdayer
    Math. Ann. 363 (2015) No. 1-2, 237-267 and the ArXiv version

  21. Baumslag-Solitar groups, relative profinite completions and measure equivalence rigidity
    with Cyril Houdayer
    J. Topol. 8 (2015), 295-313 and the ArXiv

  22. The combinatorics of an algebraic class of easy quantum groups
    with Moritz Weber
    Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top. 17, No. 3 (2014) and the ArXiv version

  23. Amalgamated free product type III factors with at most one Cartan subalgebra
    with Rémi Boutonnet and Cyril Houdayer
    Compositio Math. 150 (2014), 143-174 and the ArXiv version

  24. On the classification of free Bogoljubov crossed product von Neumann algebras by the integers
    Groups, Geom. and Dyn. 8 (2014) No. 4, 1207-1245 and the ArXiv version

  25. Tensor C*-categories arising as bimodule categories of II1 factors
    with Sébastien Falguières
    Adv. Math. 237 (2013), 331-359 and the ArXiv version

  26. Stable orbit equivalence of Bernoulli actions of free groups and isomorphism of some of their factor actions
    with Niels Meesschaert and Stefaan Vaes
    Expo. Math. 31 (2013), 274-294 and the ArXiv version

  27. Isomorphisms and fusion rules of orthogonal free quantum groups and their complexifications
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), No. 9, 3207-3218 and the ArXiv version

Other work

Invited talks

Conference talks and lecture series


  1. Oktober 2023
    "On the unitary representation theory of groups acting on buildings of indefinite type"
    at the University of M{\"u}nster, Germany, during the workshop "Totally disconnected locally compact groups: from local to global".
  2. 2022

  3. November 2022
    "Detecting ideals in groups C*-algebras of lattice in Lie groups"
    at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, during the "Swedish Operator Algebra and Noncommutative Geometry Workshop".
  4. October 2022
    "Simplicity of essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    at Kiel University, Germany, during the 10th Workshop on "Operator Theoretic Aspects of Ergodic Theory".
  5. September 2022
    "Simplicity of essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    at IWOATA, Kraków, Poland in the special session "Operator Spaces Techniques in Operator Algebras".
  6. July 2022
    "Simplicity and the ideal intersection property for essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark during the an ICM satellite conference "Operator algebras, dynamics and groups".
  7. May 2022
    "Simplicity and the ideal intersection property for essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    at CIRM, Luminy, France during the workshop "Operator Algebras and Group Dynamics".
  8. 2021

  9. November 2021
    "Simplicity and the ideal intersection property for essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    at the Danish-Norwegian Operator Algebras meeting, Trondheim, Norwary.
  10. 2019

  11. October 2019
    at MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany during the mini-workshop "Operator algebraic quantum groups".
  12. September 2019
    at BIRS, Banff, Canada during the workshop "Classification problems in von Neumann algebras".
  13. July 2019
    "Group C*-algebras: classical and modern"
    series of five lectures at the Sophus Lie Center, Nordfjordeid, Norway during the summer school "Analysis, Geometry and PDE".
  14. June 2019
    "Cartan subalgebras in dimension drop algebras"
    at ICMAT, Madrid, Spain during the International Conference "Operator Algebras, Groups and Applications to Quantum Information".
  15. February 2019
    two lectures at the Fields Insitute, Toronto, Canada during the Southern Ontario Operator Algebras Seminar 2019.
  16. January 2019
    series of four lectures at IPM, Tehran, Iran during the workshop "Quantum groups".
  17. 2018

  18. May 2018
    "C*-superrigidity of 2-step nilpotent groups"
    at the University of Münster, Germany, at the occasion of the conference NCGOA 2018.
  19. March 2018
    "L2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups"
    at the Université de Caen, France, during the Journées de catégories tensorielles et analyse.
  20. February 2018
    at the American Institute of Mathematics, San José, CA, USA, during the Workshop "Classification of group von Neumann algebras".
  21. 2017

  22. October 2017
    "Groups acting on trees: representation theory and operator algebras"
    in Sendai, Japan, during the Workshop "Ergodic and Geometric Group theory in Sendai".
  23. October 2017
    "C*-superrigidity of virtually Abelian groups"
    at IMPAN, Poland, during the Workshop "Operator Algebras, Geometry, and Actions".
  24. July 2017
    "C*-superrigidity of virtually Abelian groups"
    at Institut Henri Poincaré, France, during the Workshop "Von Neumann algebras and measured group theory".
  25. 2016

  26. October 2016
    "Operator algebras of locally compact groups acting on trees"
    at Université de Bordeaux, France, during the Workshop "Groupes et algèbres de von Neumann".
  27. August 2016
    "Non-amenable von Neumann algebras of groups acting on trees"
    in MFO, Germany, during the Workshop "C*-algebras".
  28. July 2016
    "Operator algebras of locally compact groups acting on trees"
    at HIM, Bonn, Germany, during the workshop "Von Neumann algebras".
  29. June 2016
    "Operator algebras of locally compact groups acting on trees"
    at Université de Paris 6, France, during the conference "Polish groups and geometry".
  30. April 2016
    "Operator algebras of locally compact groups acting on trees"
    at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, Sweden, during the workshop "Classification and dynamical systems II: Von Neumann Algebras".
  31. January 2016
    "Locally compact C*-simple groups"
    lecture series at IPM, Tehran, Iran at the occasion of the workshop "C*-dynamics".
  32. 2015

  33. July 2015
    "The classification of orthogonal easy quantum groups"
    in Herstmonceux, UK at the occasion of the Fields institute conference on quantum groups and quantum information theory.
  34. June 2015
    "Locally compact C*-simple groups"
    in MFO, Germany, during the Workshop "Noncommutative geometry".
  35. June 2015
    "Powers group methods for locally compact groups acting on trees"
    in Copenhagen, Denmark at the occasion of the workshop "Representation theory of groups, quantum groups, and operator algebras".
  36. May 2015
    "Powers group methods for locally compact groups acting on trees"
    in Neuchâtel, Switzerland at the Group Theory Day.
  37. May 2015
    "Powers group methods for locally compact groups acting on trees"
    in Nashville, USA, at the occasion of the conference NCGOA 2015.
  38. April 2015
    "Powers group methods for locally compact groups acting on trees"
    in Münster, Germany, at the occasion of the workshop "C*-algebras: Structure and Classification".
  39. 2014

  40. September 2014
    "Baumslag-Solitar groups, relative profinite completions and measure equivalence rigidity"
    in Kyoto, Japan, at the occasion of the workshop on recent developments in operator algebras.
  41. July 2014
    "The classification of easy quantum groups"
    in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, at the occasion of the international workshop on operator theory and its applications.
  42. May 2014
    "Structure theory for von Neumann algebras: solidity"
    at the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon, France, during the journées d'analyse fonctionelle Besonçon-Neuchâtel.
  43. March 2014
    "Character rigidity for lattices and commensurators (after Creutz-Peterson)"
    in MFO, Germany, during the Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Superrigidity".
  44. 2013 and before

  45. December 2013
    "Baumslag-Solitar groups, relative profinite completions, and measure equivalence rigidity"
    in Caen, France, at the occasion of the Arbre de Noël.
  46. January 2013
    "A duality between easy quantum groups and reflection groups"
    in Tokyo, Japan, at the occasion of a workshop on operator algebras.
  47. September 2012
    "Sur la classification des produits croisés de Bogoliubov libre"
    in Lyon, France, at the occasion of the meeting of the ANR project NEUMANN.
  48. May 2011
    "All finite C*-tensor categories are bimodule categories of a II1 factor"
    in Paris, France, at the occasion of the Franco-Italien meeting of GDRE GREFI-GENCO.
  49. September 2010
    "Is every finite C*-tensor category the bimodule category of a II1 factor?"
    in Caen, France, at the occasion of the focused semester on quantum groups of the EU Noncommutative Geometry Network.
  50. September 2010
    "Every finite C*-tensor category is the bimodule category of a II1 factor"
    in Brussels, Belgium, at the occasion of the PhD day of the Belgium Mathematical Society.
  51. February 2010
    "Fusion rules of free orthogonal quantum groups"
    in Cardiff, UK, at the occasion of the period on planar algebras and physics.
  52. January 2010
    "Fusion rules of free orthogonal quantum groups"
    in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the occasion of the masterclass on von Neumann algebras and group actions.

Colloquium and seminar talks


  1. June 2023
    "Operator algebraic group theory"
    in the MATH+ Friday Colloquium of the Berlin Mathematics Research Center.
  2. March 2023
    "Right-angled Hecke algebras"
    in the joint monthly online seminar of Saarbrücken and Warsaw.
  3. February 2023
    "Detecting ideals in crossed product C*-algebras of topological dynamical systems"
    in the group theory seminar the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve.
  4. February 2023
    "Detecting ideals in crossed product C*-algebras of topological dynamical systems"
    in the online seminar "Functional analysis and operator algebra in Athens".
  5. January 2023
    "Detecting ideals in crossed product C*-algebras of topological dynamical systems"
    in the analysis and probability seminar at the University of Gothenburg/Chalmers.
  6. 2022

  7. November 2022
    "On the structure of Iwahori-Hecke (operator) algebras"
    in the Groups and Operator Algebras Seminar at the University of Copenhagen.
  8. October 2022
    "On the centre of Iwahori-Hecke algebras"
    in the algebra seminar at the University of Lund/LTH.
  9. May 2022
    "Simplicity and the ideal intersection property for essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    in the Operator Algebra Seminar at Seoul National University (online).
  10. May 2022
    "Simplicity of essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    in the Pure Math Colloquium of the University of Sheffield (online).
  11. 2021

  12. November 2021
    "Simplicity of essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    in the group theory seminar at UCLouvain.
  13. October 2021
    "Simplicity of essential groupoid C*-algebras"
    in the analysis seminar at the Washington University in St. Louis (online).
  14. April 2021
    "Right-angled Hecke operator algebras"
    in the seminar on ergodic and geometric group theory at EPF Lausanne (online).
  15. April 2021
    "Right-angled Hecke operator algebras"
    in the operator algebra seminar at Purdue University (online).
  16. March 2021
    "Right-angled Hecke operator algebras"
    in the seminar Géométrie, Groupes et Dynamiques at ENS Lyon (online).
  17. March 2021
    "Superrigidity for group operator algebras"
    in the IM PAN Young Researchers Colloquium (online).
  18. March 2021
    "Right-angled Hecke operator algebras and representation theory"
    in the UCSD Functional Analysis Seminar (online).
  19. February 2021
    "Why group theorists could care about operator algebras"
    in the Online Seminar on Probabilistic and Geometric Group Theory (online).
  20. 2020

  21. October 2020
    "Structure of Hecke von Neumann algebra and appications to representation theory"
    in the Tokyo-Kyoto online operator algebra seminar (online).
  22. July 2020
    in the UK Virtual Operator Algebras Seminar (online).
  23. February 2020
    "From Poisson boundaries to proximal boundaries"
    at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, in the operator algebra seminar.
  24. 2019

  25. December 2019
    "C*-superrigidity of 2-step nilpotent groups"
    at University Paris-Sud, France, in the research seminar GAN.
  26. April 2019
    "C*-superrigidity of 2-step nilpotent groups"
    at the University of Glasgow, UK, in the analysis seminar.
  27. March 2019
    "C*-superrigidity of 2-step nilpotent groups"
    at the University of Oslo, Norway, in the operator algebra seminar.
  28. January 2019
    at IHP, Paris, France, in the Séminaire Bourbaki.
  29. 2018

  30. December 2018
    "Superrigidity for group operator algebras"
    at the University of Waterloo, Canada, in the Pure Math Colloquium.
  31. August 2018
    "C*-superrigidity of 2-step nilpotent groups"
    at Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, in the Analysis and Probability seminar.
  32. May 2018
    "C*-superrigidity of nilpotent groups"
    at EPFL, Switzerland, in the topology seminar.
  33. February 2018
    at RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan.
  34. February 2018
    "Cartan subalgebras in dimension drop algebras"
    at Nagoya University, Japan, in the research seminar of the analysis group.
  35. 2017

  36. November 2017
    "Cartan subalgebras in dimension drop algebras"
    at Copenhagen University, Denmark, in the research seminar of the operator algebra work group.
  37. November 2017
    "Groups acting on trees: representation theory and operator algebras"
    at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, in the research seminar of the operator algebra work group.
  38. August 2017
    "C*-superrigidity of virtually abelian groups"
    at Chiba University, Japan, in the analysis seminar.
  39. June 2017
    "Groups acting on trees: representation theory and operator algebras"
    at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, in the operator algebras seminar.
  40. May 2017
    "C*-superridigity of virtually abelian groups"
    at Université de Neuchâel, Switzerland, in the groups and analysis seminar.
  41. 2016

  42. December 2016
    "On the type I conjecture for groups acting on trees"
    at EPFL, Switzerland, in the EGG seminar.
  43. November 2016
    "On the type I conjecture for groups acting on trees"
    at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, in the geometry seminar.
  44. April 2016
    "Algèbres d'opérateurs de groupes agissants sur les arbres"
    at Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, in the group theory seminar.
  45. April 2016
    "C*-simplicity: from discrete to locally compact groups"
    at Hokkaido University, Japan, in the analysis research seminar.
  46. March 2016
    "C*-simple and non-C*-simple locally compact groups"
    at University Paris-Sud, France, in the research seminar GAN.
  47. March 2016
    "C*-simple and non-C*-simple locally compact groups"
    at Copenhagen University, Denmark, in the research seminar of the operator algebra work group.
  48. March 2016
    "C*-simple and non-C*-simple locally compact groups"
    at EPFL, Switzerland, in the research seminar for ergodic and geometric group theory.
  49. 2015

  50. November 2015
    "Locally compact C*-simple groups"
    at the University of Münster, Germany, in the research seminar of the noncommutative geometry workgroup.
  51. October 2015
    "Locally compact C*-simple groups"
    at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, in the analysis seminar.
  52. July 2015
    "Generalised symmetries of quantum spaces"
    at Keio University in Yokohama, Japan, in the monthly colloquium of the math department.
  53. July 2015
    "C*-simplicity of locally compact Powers groups"
    at Ochanomizu University in Tokyo, Japan, in the operator algebras seminar.
  54. January 2015
    "Free probability aspects of easy quantum groups"
    at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, in the operator algebras seminar.
  55. January 2015
    "Character rigidity for lattices in higher rank Lie groups (after Creutz-Peterson and Peterson)"
    at RIMS in Kyoto, Japan, in the Kansai operator algebras seminar.
  56. 2014

  57. October 2014
    "The classification of easy quantum groups"
    at Tokyo University, Japan, in the operator algebras seminar.
  58. 2013 and before

  59. November 2013
    "The classification of orthogonal partition quantum groups (easy quantum groups)"
    at the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon, France, in the functional analysis seminar.
  60. May 2013
    "Group von Neumann algebras of locally compact HNN-extensions"
    at the University of Oxford, UK, in the junior geometric group theory seminar.
  61. December 2012
    "What is ... superrigidity?"
    at KU Leuven, Belgium, in the PhD-Colloquium.
  62. November 2012
    "On the classification of free Bogoliubov crossed products of the integers"
    at Université catolique de Louvain, Belgium, in the group theory seminar.
  63. October 2012
    "Tensor C*-categories arising as bimodule categories of a II1 factor"
    at the University of Münster, Germany, in the research seminar of the noncommutative geometry workgroup.
  64. June 2012
    "Von Neumann algebras and their bimodule categories"
    at Saarland University, Germany, in the functional analysis seminar.
  65. May 2012
    "Les C*-catégories tensorielles, qui sont les catégories de bimodules d'un facteur II1"
    at Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, in the operator algebras seminar.
  66. April 2012
    "Tensor C*-categories arising as bimodule categories of II1 factors"
    at KU Leuven, Belgium, in the operator algebras seminar.
  67. June 2009
    "On the corepresentation theory of complexified quantum groups"
    at KU Leuven, Belgium, in the operator algebras seminar.

Conference Organisation

May 2024 Workshop "Point sets: Dynamics, sampling, and operator algebras"
Organised at the University of Oslo
May 2023 School and workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator algebras
Organised at the Hausdorff Centre for Mathematics in Bonn
March 2023 Mini-workshop on operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
Meeting of Swedish operator algebraists and noncommutative geometers at Stockholm University
November 2022 Mini-workshop on operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
Meeting of Swedish operator algebraists and noncommutative geometers at Chalmers/University of Gothenburg
August 2022 Operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
Parallel session at the Nordic Congress of Mathematics
May 2022 C*-algebras and geometry of groups and semigroups
Workshop at the University of Oslo
March 2022 Noncommutativity in the north
Workshop at Chalmers/University of Gothenburg
January 2022 Mini-workshop on operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
Meeting of Swedish operator algebraists and noncommutative geometers at Chalmers/University of Gothenburg
March 2021 C*-algebras and geometry of groups and semigroups
Online workshop
May 2017 Approximate lattices
Two-day reading group joint between EPFL and the University of Neuchâtel
July 2016 Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras
Co-organiser responsible for funding, scientific organisation and social events

Teaching and supervision

Taught courses

2023/2024 Winter Algebra
Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie
2023 Summer Algebra and number theory
Geometric group theory
Lie Algebras (seminar)
2022 Autumn Expander graphs
2022 Spring Linear algebra
2021 Autumn Linear algebra
2021 Spring Geometric group theory
Complex analysis
2020 Spring Introduction to operator algebras
Foundations of analysis
2019 Autumn Combinatorics
2019 Spring Foundations of analysis
Ordinary differential equations
2018 Spring Lie groups
Homology and cohomology
2017 Autumn Linear algebra for engineers
2017 Spring Abstract harmonic analysis
2016 Autumn Linear algebra for engineers
2016 Summer Abstract harmonic analysis
2015 Winter Von Neumann algebras and measured group theory

Supervision of PhD students

2019 - 2023 Gabriel Favre

Supervision of Master theses

2022 C*-simplicity of discrete groups and étale groupoids
2022 Group C*-algebras of Heisenberg groups and C*-rigidity
2017/18 On groups of type I
2016/17 C*-simplicity and factorial group von Neumann algebras
2011/12 Equivalence relations with prescribed fundamental group (co-supervision)
2010/11 Orbit equivalence of Bernoulli actions over free groups (co-supervision)
2009/10 There is no universal II1 factor (co-supervision)

Supersion of Bachelor theses

2021/22 Number systems beyond the reals (teacher student)
The search for orthogonal Latin squares (teacher student)
Measure-theoretic Probability
2020/21 Decomposition theory for zero-sum games (math-economy student)
Mathematical billards (teacher student)
The logic behind Kőnig's lemma
Quivers, path algebras and Gabriel's theorem
Which schools would take me? Truth-telling in school choice with admission probability uncertainty
2019/20 Quantum computing: From Shor’s algorithm to the hidden subgroup problem
The travelling salesman in Sweden (teacher student)
Classical finite simple groups
The spectral theorem for normal operators
2018/19 Wallpaper groups (teacher student)
2017/18 K-theory and Bott periodicity
2016/17 Classification of closed surfaces

Teaching material

Lie groups. Spring term 2018

Homology and Cohomology. Spring term 2018

Abstract harmonic analysis. Spring term 2017

Abstrakte harmonische Analysis. Sommersemester 2016

Von Neumann Algebren und messbare Gruppentheorie. Wintersemester 2015/16


Born on 9th April 1985 in Kassel, Germany.

Current Employment

Since Apr 2023 W2-Professor at the University of Potsdam, Germany

Previous Employment

Sep 2018 - Mar 2023 Associate Professor at Stockholm University, Sweden
Jun - Jul 2021 Visiting Professor at IM PAN, Poland
Sep - Dec 2020 Visiting Professor at IM PAN, Poland
2016 - 2018 Lecturer at EPFL, Switzerland
2015 - 2016 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow at the University of Münster, Germany
2014 - 2015 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow at RIMS, Kyoto, Japan
2013 - 2014 Post doctoral scholar at ENS Lyon, France
2009 - 2013 PhD scholar at KU Leuven, Belgium
2007 - 2009 Student teaching assistant at the University of Münster


Oct 2019 Docent in Mathematics at Stockholm University, Sweden
Sep 2009 - Jun 2013 PhD in Mathematics at KU Leuven, Belgium
Oct 2005 - May 2009 Diplom Mathematik at the University of Münster, Germany


German Mother tongue
English Fluent
French Fluent (B2)
Dutch Fluent (C1)
Swedish Fluent
Persian Basic knowledge
Japanese Baisc knowledge (JLPT N5)